Daniel + Tara already had portrait session photos taken earlier in their engagement, but decided that they wanted to have more of a cozy, dressed down engagement session at their house as well. When Tara came to my home office, we talked about the session ideas that could be sweet to incorporate. We talked about their record player, snuggling on the couch drinking coffee, and their two pups, Sadie and Bear.

When I arrived to their home, I was greeted my a big old American bulldog (who I assumed was Bear) and a playful little corgi (who I assumed was Sadie). Nope! Strike that, and reverse it. This joyful little ball of energy corgi was Bear, while the protective, lovable, mama dog was Sadie. It took Sadie a minute (or 30) to warm up to me, but we finally figured out how our relationship was going to work: she would not allow me to look at her or she would growl and bark at me, but she wanted me to pet her. Forbidden love! So I had to look away while petting her OR I had to be behind my camera, which wasn’t a problem since I was there to photograph anyways. It was hilarious. This definitely added an awesome level of depth and soul to Daniel and Tara’s in-home engagement session.

We started in the living room where they showed me their handmade industrial coffee and side tables. So special! The pups made sure to show me how a cozy day at home with their people went, with Bear readily waiting for Daniel to throw her ball while Sadie lounged around, either wanting to be pet or left alone. No grey area with Sadie, like I mentioned before. One extreme or the other! Once the pups got some pets and play time in, Daniel and Tara got out their beloved french press for some coffee house vibes with their seriously adorable husband and wife mugs. Coffee and chatting seamlessly turned into migrating to the front room where we listened to Johnny Cash on the record player with more pets for Sadie and Bear. It was such a fun morning, and the perfect example of why I love shooting in-home sessions so much! It allows for endless opportunities to showcase who you are as a couple.

Photographer: Christine Gosch | Film lab: The FIND Lab